Protect Mid-Atlantic Battlefields from Massive Data Centers
America’s history is being sold out from under our feet.
Land where valor was shown and freedom was won during the Revolutionary War and the Civil War is being torn up and paved over, and one of the biggest culprits is massive data centers that destroy the land and use up vast natural resources. Instead of selling off our history and heritage to tech billionaires, we should be preserving our hallowed ground and its legacy for future generations.
As a result of favorable geography, state legislation, and local zoning decisions, Virginia has become the data center capital of the world. And where only a few years ago, data centers were concentrated in Loudoun County — but now they are spreading across the state, impacting historically and environmentally sensitive landscapes with their own footprint and the electrical and water infrastructure needed to support them. Wilderness Crossing and the Prince William Digital Gateway at Manassas are the most egregious examples, but they are far from the only ones.
While alternate locations can be found for proposed developments, historic sites cannot be moved and should not be sacrificed. I strongly urge you to take action immediately to preserve the sacred battlefield land that remains.