Stop the Largest Rezoning in Orange County History
A proposed residential, commercial and industrial mega-development in Orange County – the largest in county history – would severely impact the quality of life for local residents. As it currently stands, the Wilderness Crossing project would impact citizens’ lives through increase traffic in an already congested area, exacerbate environmental concerns and strain county services, and includes far more commercial and industrial development than the county can absorb.
Growth and development in Orange County does not have to hinder residents’ lives. In 2015, Orange County created its own Germanna Wilderness Area Plan, that provided a blueprint for balancing responsible growth with open space. Similarly, the Wilderness Battlefield Gateway Study — developed by the Wilderness Battlefield Coalition — advocated for a model of development that protects county history while allowing thoughtful development along the Route 3/Route 20 corridors. There is an already articulated development path that can still preserve the county’s rural character while allowing for economic growth -- county officials now need to follow it.
Please join us and sign the letter urging Orange County officials to reconsider the development and adhere to the county’s own Germanna Wilderness Area Plan.