Memphis National Cemetery
The Memphis National Cemetery is the final resting place for more than 4,208 soldiers who served in the United States Colored Troops (USCT) during the...
The Liberty Bell
The Liberty Bell bears a timeless message: "Proclaim Liberty Throughout All the Land Unto All the Inhabitants thereof." Go beyond the iconic crack to...
Two USCT Heroes
Two African American Civil War veterans, Pvt. Edward Diggs and Sgt. Anthony W. Poole, are buried here. Each enlisted in Co. G, 36th U.S. Colored...
Old Exchange and Provosts Dungeon
The "Old Exchange" was a symbol of the importance of Charleston as a harbor in the Southern Colonies prior to the revolution, and it maintained its...
John Brown House Museum
This was the first mansion built in Providence by John Brown, who founded Brown University, was a statesman, and gained his fortune in the slave trade...
Old City Cemetery
Old City Cemetery, also known as the Methodist Cemetery, was established as a public burial ground in 1806 on land donated by John Lynch, founder of...