Gettysburg Scavenger Hunt

Follow the Gettysburg audio tour to unscramble the secret phrase
Buddy Secor

Directions:  Download the Gettysburg Scavenger Hunt Printable PDF. Each question on this paper corresponds to a stop on the Gettysburg auto tour. The auto tour is marked by a red sign with a star on it beginning at the visitors center. Find all of the answers 1-16 then unscramble the circled letters to find out the final clue! While these answers can be found online if you are really stumped, the fun is in exploring the different monuments and parts of the battlefield. Any Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts who complete this scavenger hunt also earn a special history patch. Good luck!


Gettysburg Audio Tour Scavenger Hunt Poster



Not sure you got everything correct? Check the answer key.

Contact Ashlyn O'Neill at for more information on the scouting patches. 

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