Star-Spangled Banner Virtual Field Trip

A Virtual Visit to 1812 Baltimore

The War of 1812 marked the first time in our nation’s history, that the United States declared war on a foreign nation: Great Britain. Battles raged on the high seas. British soldiers invaded American soil, captured Washington D.C., and even burned the White House. In the end the Star-Spangled Banner waved “O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.” 

Created in partnership with the National Park Service and the Star-Spangled Banner Flag House, you can now explore the War of 1812 in Baltimore, Maryland, via this virtual field trip. Join host Douglas Ullman, Jr., as he takes you to some of the most iconic sites associated with the famous action at Fort McHenry. Learn more about the creation of our National Anthem, and of course, about the Star-Spangled Banner itself.  Simply click on the video below to start your journey. Included with your "trip" are questions for your students to answer, as well as supporting articles, videos, and primary documents. 

We would like to extend our gratitude to the Peter Bowe and Barbara Stewart Foundation for their support of this project. 

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