Archibald Campbell

Campbell, a son of Scotland, began his career in the British army as an engineering officer serving in Guadeloupe, Dominica, and the West Indies. He even served as chief engineer for the British East India Company in India from 1768 to 1772. When the revolution came to fruition Campbell was given the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and the duty of recruiting for the 71st Highlanders. He was quick to find trouble as he was captured by Patriots in Boston Harbor on June 16th, 1776. He was not exchanged until 2 years later when the Patriots traded him for the legendary Ethan Allen. By November of 1778, General Henry Clinton gave Campbell orders to command a force of 3,000 British soldiers from New York to Georgia. The mission landed in the British capture of Savannah. Not long after, Campbell helped lead British forces into the interior of Georgia where he helped in capturing the Georgian capital of Augusta. Campbell became involved in the governmental structure of Georgia, restoring the colonial government and acting as civil governor. However, he didn’t stay in the American colonies to see the end result of the revolution. He was sent to Jamaica where he served as Lieutenant Governor and rose to the rank of Major General between the years of 1779 and 1781. By 1782 he was named governor of Jamaica. Furthermore, Campbell was named a Knight of the Bath in 1785 and served as governor of Madras between the years 1786 and 1789. He died on March 31st, 1791 and is buried in Westminster Abbey.