Richmond, Petersburg, and vicinity.

Historical map of Richmond & Petersburg

General Grant’s Campaign War Map of Richmond, Petersburg, and vicinity

J.H. Bufford & Co.

Boston, [1864]

Scale ca. 1:105,000.
Reference: LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed.), 623
At top of map: Genl. Grant's campaign war map.
Shows fortifications, camps, roads, railroads, street pattern of Richmond and Petersburg, towns, drainage, vegetation, hachures, and houses.
“The horizontal and upright lines represent one mile square. By refering [sic] to the number on the left and to the letter on the base, any point may be found to show the locality of the Union armies.”
Description derived from published bibliography.

Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, D.C. 20540-4650

Learn More: The Petersburg Campaign


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