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Video: In4 Minutes

The In4 video series features historians discussing foundational topics about the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War. Videos are generally no more than four minutes long, and subjects range from a description of notable generals, to an explanation of artillery, to a description of the significance of the Western Theater, or Southern Campaign.

Rev War  |  Video

The Southern Campaign

After years of battles in the Northern and Mid-Atlantic Colonies resulting in a stalemate, the British devised a new Southern Strategy in late 1778...

Battle of New Market

In May 1864, as part of a major Union offensive, General Ulysses S. Grant ordered General Sigel to move up the Shenandoah Valley cutting the rail...

Coffee in the Civil War

VIDEO | Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, and not much was different for Civil War soldiers of the 19th Century. Join...
Rev War  |  Video

The Continental Congress

The members of the Continental Congress pledged their lives and fortunes to the ideals of American Independence and the creation of The United States...

Historical Fiction

VIDEO | Author Jeff Shaara explains the importance of the Historical Fiction genre within the history community. This video is part of the American...