Dinwiddie Court House
Fought on March 31, 1865, the Battle of Dinwiddie Court House was one of the last offensive actions of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia during the Civil War. While a Southern victory, the battle set the stage for the Confederate defeat at the Battle of Five Forks the next day and the eventual evacuation of Petersburg and Richmond on the night of April 2-3.
The historic Dinwiddie County Court House still stands on the site today. The courthouse was built in 1851 and is a two-story, Greek Revival-style building with a front portico added in 1933. In 1973, the building was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Save 6 acres at Gettysburg, Seven Pines, Chancellorsville, Petersburg and Dinwiddie Court House Battlefields.
The American Battlefield Trust and our members have saved more than 8 acres at Dinwiddie Court House.