Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park
Eva, Tennessee | This State Park was named for Lt. Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, the intrepid Confederate cavalry leader who on November 4, 1864...
Sam Davis Home
Smyrna, Tennessee | This historic site is the family home and farm of Tennessee's "Boy Hero of the Confederacy, " Sam Davis.
Lincoln Tomb, Oak Ridge Cemetery
Springfield, Illinois | The 117-foot-tall tomb is constructed of granite and is the final resting place of President Abraham Lincoln, his wife, Mary...
Helena, Arkansas, Civil War Sites Driving Tour
Helena, Arkansas | On this site, visitors can explore the history of the Battle of Helena by touring four Union batteries, a Confederate cemetery and...
Rail Crossing-Trailhead Park
Corinth, Mississippi | The historic Corinth hiking and biking trail connecting many of the Civil War Corinth National Historic Landmark sites.
Ulysses S. Grant Memorial
Washington, DC | The memorial sits at the base of the West Front of the Capitol Building, opposite from the Lincoln Memorial, so that the general who...