Hall Cemetery Wayside Dedication (Camp Nelson Preservation and Education Foundation)
Camp Nelson, CA 93265
The Camp Nelson Preservation and Education Foundation is unveiling a new interpretive wayside at Hall Cemetery on Saturday, March 1, 2025. The cemetery is the site of the Home for Colored Refugees and the final resting place for US Colored Troops [USCT] and their families and descendants. The special dedication marks the 160th anniversary of the Congressional legislation which emancipated the wives and children of USCT soldiers on March 3, 1865, during the Civil War. The program starts at 11:00 am and is free and open to the public.
The Camp Nelson Foundation is requesting that all attendees meet near the Fee Memorial Church, located southwest of Camp Nelson National Monument Visitor Center off US-27 and Hall Road. From there, visitors can carpool or walk to the cemetery.
The parking area north of the Fee Memorial Church is at the intersection of Hall Road and Church Street.