Civil War  |  Park Day Volunteer Opportunity

Park Day @ Antietam National Battlefield

Upcoming Event
Saturday, April 6, 2024 @ 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT

302 E. Main St.
Sharpsburg, MD 21782

For More Information
Olivia Black
Meeting place
Please park in the National Cemetery parking area across Route 34 from the National Cemetery. Check in will be between 8:45 am and 9:00 am. At 9:00 am, we'll begin our volunteer projects.
Planned Activities
Projects will include landscape maintenance in the National Cemetery and Mumma Family Cemetery to include raking, picking up sticks and debris, and mulching. There may also be projects in the Rohrbach group campground including mulching, stacking firewood, and painting picnic tables.
Should I bring any tools or supplies?
Please bring a water bottle and wear close-toed shoes. You may want to bring work gloves. We will provide all hand tools.
Is there a rain date?
In the instance of inclement weather, Park Day will be cancelled.

Accessibility considerations

Does the site have accessible parking?
Does the site have accessible bathrooms?
Are there activities planned for those with disabilities?
Can the site accommodate a wheelchair, scooter, or walker?
Does your site offer accessible facilities?

Are you ready to get your hands dirty? Search below to find a Park Day event near you.