Fort George (Florida)
Built atop Gage Hill by the British in 1778 to protect the city from invasion, Fort George was the site of fierce fighting during the American...
Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery
Columbus, Ohio | Camp Chase, the largest camp in the area, was used for training Union soldiers. Later, it served as a prison for captured...
Bellamy Mansion Museum of History and Design Arts
Wilmington, North Carolina | Built as the city residence of prominent planter John D. Bellamy, the museum is a premier architectural and historical...
Smith-McDowell House
Asheville, North Carolina | This 1840 brick mansion was the home of William Wallace McDowell.
Gordon-Lee Mansion
Chickamauga, Georgia | Prior to the Battle of Chickamauga, this historic site served as headquarters to the Union Army of the Cumberland's Gen...
Church of the Epiphany
Washington, DC | Leading up to the Civil War, the historic site was the parish church of Jefferson Davis, who left Washington in 1861 to become...