Old Capitol Museum of Mississippi History
Jackson, Mississippi | This building was the site of Mississippi's Secession Convention, January 1861, and it continued as the seat of state...
Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site
Winnabow, North Carolina | The fort, an earthen fortification, was constructed in March 1862 as part of the overall Cape Fear defense system.
Kennedy Farmhouse
Sharpsburg, Maryland | Site where John Brown and his followers spent three and a half months as fugitives
Museum of Southern History
Jacksonville, Florida | This museum displays artifacts and memorabilia from the antebellum and Civil War periods.
Fortress West Point
Fortress West Point was a series of fortifications arraigned on the west bank of the Hudson River and Constitution Island. Spanning the river between...
Battery 5, James Island New Lines
Charleston, South Carolina | Intended to anchor the Confederate defenses of James Island and overlooking Seaside Creek and the Secessionville...