Wirral Maritime Heritage Trail
Birkenhead, United Kingdom | The Wirral Peninsula in northwestern England played an important role in the American Civil War when the Confederate navy...
Monmouth Battlefield State Park
Site of the longest, continuous battle in the American Revolutionary War. The Battle of Monmouth marked a successful return of the Continental army...
Battery C Park
Helena, Arkansas | The site, which offers interpretation of the July 4, 1863, Battle of Helena, is the location of four Civil War batteries.
Western and Atlantic Passenger Depot
Marietta, Georgia | This historic site was built in 1898 on the site of the original 1840s passenger depot that was burned by Gen. William T. Sherman...
Camp Davis
Camp Davis, a Civil War mustering ground for Confederate troops from Virginia under the command of Col. Jubal A. Early, once occupied this area.
Chattanooga National Cemetery
United States Colored Troops (USCT) constructed the Chattanooga National Cemetery and buried their Black and white comrades here — the final resting...