Bristoe Station Battlefield Heritage Park
Bristow, Virginia | The August 27, 1862, Battle of Kettle Run and the October 14, 1863, Battle of Bristoe Station both took place at this location.
The Lone Jack Historical Society
Lone Jack, Missouri | Fought on August 16, 1862, the battle at Lone Jack was, by all accounts, the site of the bloodiest battle fought on Missouri...
East Tennessee History Center
Knoxville, Tennessee | Here you can visit a museum, uncover your family's roots, learn about historic sites, make use of research facilities, and...
Battle of Carthage State Historic Site
Carthage, Missouri | This site is the location of the final confrontation of the Battle of Carthage, a day-long running skirmish that began on July 5...
Windsor Ruins
Natchez, Mississippi | The mansion was located along the route of Grant's army on its march inland toward Jackson, and was used by Union troops as a...
Tunnel Hill Heritage Center and Clisby Austin House
Tunnel Hill, Georgia | In 1864, Sherman occupied this historic site and set up his headquarters in the nearby Clisby Austin House, where he planned...