Abraham Wooten Monument & Mount Zion Primitive Baptist Church
This historic building and monument testify to the freedom and resiliency of the African American’s who erected them more than a century ago and...
Big Hole National Battlefield
The Battle of the Big Hole was a surprise attack by the U.S army resulting in nearly 100 Nez Parce fatalities — 6 men were awarded the Medal of Honor...
Piney Point Lighthouse Museum & Park
The museum is currently located at the site of a battle that occurred when a continental militia contested against a British landing in the Chesapeake...
Holly Graded School
In 1868, Caroline Putnam (1826-1917) established a school for the children of former slaves at this site.
Springfield Armory
Starting as an arsenal under the authority of General Washington at the start of the Revolutionary War, this site is the first armory in the country...
Greenwood Cemetery
Established in 1860, Greenwood Cemetery is the second oldest public cemetery and the first city-owned African American cemetery in New Bern, North...