How to Cite the American Battlefield Trust

The American Battlefield Trust is proud to offer a variety of historical resources for students and historians to use in their own research projects. When citing the American Battlefield Trust, please follow these conventions to ensure an accurate bibliography.
MLA Style
Here's the general format with an author: Author, last name first (if known). "Webpage title or Article title." Website title. Organization/publisher. < URL > Date accessed.
So, if you wanted to cite Roger A. Bailey's article Steel & Steam: Naval Technology in the Civil War Era, your entry would read:
Bailey, Roger A. "Steel & Steam: Naval Technology in the Civil War Era.", Accessed December 25, 2013.
To cite articles or pages with no stated authors example: "How to Cite the American Battlefield Trust," American Battlefield Trust,…. Accessed May 1, 2018.
To cite a video example: Percoco, Jim “Lexington & Concord In4 Minutes.” YouTube, uploaded by American Battlefield Trust, 19 April 2020,
Click here for the full MLA Formatting and Style Guide.
APA Style
The general format with an author: Author's Lastname, Firstname. (Year, Month, Day of publication if available). Title of article or page. Title of web site. URL.
To cite Sam Smith and Douglas Ullman, Jr. for the article The Whirl of Death: Mississippi vs. New York on Lookout Mountain, your entry would read:
Smith, Sam & Ullman Jr, Douglas. (No date). The Whirl of Death: Mississippi vs. New York on Lookout Mountain. Retrieved December 5, 2013.….
To cite articles or pages with no stated authors example: How to Cite the American Battlefield Trust. (n.d.). American Battlefield Trust. Retrieved March 23, 2019, from…
To cite a video example: Percoco, Jim. [American Battlefield Trust]. (2020, April 19). Lexington & Concord In4 Minutes [Video]. YouTube.
Click here for the full APA Research and Style Guide.
Chicago Style
The general format: Author's Lastname, Author's Firstname. "Webpage or Article title." Website Title. Date published, URL.
To cite Garry Adelman and Tim Smith for Then & Now: Devil's Den and Little Round Top, your entry would read:
Adelman, Garry & Smith, Tim. "Then & Now: Devil's Den and Little Round Top." American Battlefield Trust. 2010.… (December 5, 2013)
To cite articles or pages with no stated authors example: "How to Cite the American Battlefield Trust," American Battlefield Trust, accessed May 1, 2019,…
To cite a video example: Jim Percoco, “Lexington & Concord In4 Minutes,” filmed April 19, 2020, at Lexington, MA, video, 5:01,
Click here for the full Chicago Manual of Style.
A Few Notes...
Some of our resources do not have specified authors. In that case, please cite the author as simply "American Battlefield Trust."
These conventions apply to more than just articles. If you are checking out, say, Gettysburg360 or an in4 video, then the same citation guidelines are in effect.
These conventions do not imply any permissions to re-post or re-use American Battlefield Trust materials without express consent from the Trust.
If you have any questions, please email us at