A faded sketch of a conflict on the battlefield

Cool Spring

Castleman's Ferry

Clarke County, VA  |  Jul 18, 1864

A Union column consisting of elements of the VI and XIX Corps pursued Maj. Gen. Jubal Early’s army as it withdrew from Washington, D.C. in July, 1864. On July 17, Union cavalry following Early passed through Snickers Gap and attempted to force a crossing of the Shenandoah River at Castleman’s Ferry. The next morning, the vanguard of the Union infantry moved through the gap. Col. Joseph Thoburn led a division downstream to cross the river. Early’s three nearby infantry divisions moved to defend the fords and block the Yankees. In the afternoon, the Confederates attacked and shattered Thoburn’s right flank on the Cool Spring Farm. Thoburn's men made a stand behind a stone wall at the river’s edge and beat off three attacks until darkness enabled them to withdraw. The battle delayed Union pursuit of Early into the Valley several days.

All battles of the Early's Maryland Campaign

Frederick County, MD  |  Jul 9, 1864
Result: Confederate Victory
Est. Casualties: 2,194
Union: 1,294
Confederate: 900
Fort Stevens
Washington, DC  |  Jul 11 - 12, 1864
Result: Union Victory
Est. Casualties: 874
Union: 374
Confederate: 500
Cool Spring
Clarke County, VA  |  Jul 18, 1864
Result: Inconclusive
Est. Casualties: 819
Union: 422
Confederate: 397
Second Kernstown
Frederick County, VA  |  Jul 24, 1864
Result: Confederate Victory
Est. Casualties: 1,800
Union: 1,200
Confederate: 600
Hardy, WV  |  Aug 7, 1864
Result: Union Victory
Est. Casualties: 530
Union: 42
Confederate: 488

Related Battles

Clarke County, VA | July 18, 1864
Result: Inconclusive
Forces Engaged
Estimated Casualties

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