Appomattox Station Detail
Historical map of the Battle of Appomattox Court House
Appomattox Court House. [1865]
From surveys under the direction of Bvt. Brig. Gen. N. Michler, Maj. of Engineers, by command of Bvt. Maj. Genl. A. A. Humphreys, Brig. Genl. & Chief of Engineers. Surveyed & drawn by Maj: J. E. Weyss, assisted by F. Theilkuhl, J. Strasser & G. Thompson. Photolith. by the N. Y. Lithographing, Engraving & Printing Co., Julius Bien, Supt. 1867.
Michler, N. 1827-1881. (Nathaniel)
[S.l., 1867]
Scale 1:21,120.
Reference: LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed.), 525.2
Detailed map of the environs of Appomattox Court House showing roads, railroads, houses and names of residents, drainage, and woodlands. Troop positions are not depicted.
Annotated by an unknown hand to indicate a few positions, including "Grant Hd Qrs."
Library of Congress Geography and Map Division, Washington, D.C. 20540-4650
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