Battlefields in front of Nashville

Historical map of the Battle of Nashville

Battlefields in front of Nashville, Tennessee

Battlefields in front of Nashville where the United States forces commanded by Major General Geo. H. Thomas defeated and routed the Rebel army under General Hood, December 15th & 16th, 1864 Surveyed and drawn under the direction of: Gen. Tower, by M. Peseux. C. S. Mergell, auth. Printed at Topl. Engr. Office, Dept. Cumbd., Chattanooga.

Peseux, M.

[S.l., 186-]

Scale 1:21,120.
Reference: LC Civil War Maps (2nd ed.), 431
Detailed map indicating troop positions, names of commanders, fortifications, roads, railroads, houses, vegetation, and relief by hachures. Map includes a brief resume of the battle. Streets and houses of Nashville are not depicted.
Description derived from published bibliography.

Library of Congress Geography and Map Division Washington, D.C. 20540-4650

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