Plan of Battle of Cold Harbor, Va. : June 1st and 3rd 1864

Historical map of the Battle of Cold Harbor

Plan of Battle of Cold Harbor, Virginia from June 1st and 3rd 1864

Sneden, Robert Knox, 1832-1918.


The area of Hanover County, Va., covered by this map extends from Mechanicsville to the northwest, the Chickahominy River to the south and Cold Harbor to the east.
The Confederate army was already in place along the lowlands of the Chickahominy River when Grant's army arrived on June 1. There was some fighting late in the day, with no Federal progress, but both sides spent the bulk of the time reinforcing their positions and preparing for a full-scale assault on the morrow. June 2 found the Union army facing ammunition shortages and fatigue, so the planned early morning assault was delayed until late afternoon, only to be further postponed by heavy rain. In the early morning of June 3rd the Union forces made a quick and strong attack hoping to break through the enemy's lines, but were met by a Confederate force that was well-prepared and refused to yield. Union losses were overwhelming and around noon Grant called off the entire attack. His forces spent the remainder of the day repairing their lines and caring for the wounded. For over a week both armies remained entrenched, awaiting further developments.

Color coding indicates the location of Union and Confederate forces.
Relief shown by hachures.
This item is from the collections of the Virginia Historical Society
Robert Knox Sneden Diary (Mss5:1 Sn237:1), Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Va.
In the Robert Knox Sneden Scrapbook (Mss5:7 Sn237:1 p. 334).

Virginia Historical Society, P.O. Box 7311, Richmond, VA 23221-0311 USA

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