Gettysburg: "We Fought a Desperate Battle"

Edwin Kerrison served in the 2nd Southc Carolina Infantry (2nd Palmetto Regiment) and fought at Gettysburg on July 2, 1863. Later, he wrote about what he experienced and witnessed near the Peach Orchard and Wheatfield during that battle.
Near Hagerstown
July 7th, 1863
Dear Sister –
I now write with great haste to let you know where we are. On the evening of the 2nd we fought a desperate battle at Gettysburg in Pa. in which we suffered terribly being compelled to stand the fire of artillery 3 ½ hour being within the hundred & fifty yards of said battery. Our Reg. acted gloriously but has lost many a brave man – Charly I am sorry to say was wounded not by any means dangerously. He was shot in the thigh with a piece of shell & in the face by a buck shot. He was in fine spirits when I last saw him & doing finely. Among the killed in our company are the Sergt. LaBruce Mortimer, Jos. S. Gadsdin, Sep Miles, E. J. Mills & Lewis Daniels. The wounded are Charly K – Ed. Gaillard, Preston F. Wescott, Jos. Harley, C. J. Colcock, Wm Lawton, C. P. Bellinger, Leuit S. Bissell & L. Osander a substitute. Gaillard was shot in the arm the ball resting on the bone. Wescott shot through the muscles of one of his legs near the thigh not dangerous. Harley very much the same. Colcock is from Charleston shot in the left hand which was amputated at the wrist. Lawton one arm amputated Belliger shot in the thigh. Lieut Bissell shot in the calf of the leg part of the bone broken. Osander shot in the face & one leg badly shattered Seg’t Moultree Braiesford was slightly wounded in the leg & left to take care of the wounded (from our company). Since we left (the 5th) our wounded have been all captured by the Yankees – Charly among the number. They will receive more attention & be more comfortable than if they were with us. Charly was doing first rate & may possibly get home for a short time after being exchanged. Do if you can let the families of the men I have mentioned in my letter of their fates. We advanced on a battery in an open field under a most terrific fire of grape shell & canister. We have only 8 or 9 men for duty in the company now. Our Regt has but two Captains left – Dr. Elliot & Capt Graham. Col. Kennedy was shot in the arm & Capt Wallace was shot in the arm also. Wallace was acting major at the time. Our Regt carried in some three hundred & odd & had 169 killed & wounded. I have not time to write particulars of the fight now as I am in haste.
With best love to all I am as ever your aff brother
{Written along left margin} We expect to fight another battle soon at Sharpsburg.
Kerrison, Edwin, “Letter, 7 July 1863,” Digital Public Library of America,
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