Newspapers Reporting the Declaration of Independence

Newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic printed reports of reactions to news of the Declaration of Independence. Here are three samples, describing the announcements at three different locations: New York City, Trenton, and Richmond.
New York City, July 11
(Published in "The Newcastle Weekly Courant" in Newcastle upon Tyne, England, September 28, 1776)
On Wednesday last the Congress's Declaration of Independence of the United States of America was read at the head of each brigade of the Continental army posted in and near New York, and every where received with loud huzzas, and the utmost demonstrations of joy.
The same evening the equestrian statue of George III, which tory pride and folly raised in the year 1770, was by the sons of freedom, laid prostrate in the dirt; the just desert of an ingrateful tyrant. The lead where with this monument was made, is to be run into bullets....
Trenton [New Jersey], July 8
(Published in "Dunlap and Claypoole's American Daily Advertiser" in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 15, 1776)
The declaration of Independence was this day proclaimed here, together with the new constitution of the colony of late, established, and the resolve of the Provincial Congress for continuing the administration of jubilee during the interim.
The members of the Provincial Congress, the gentlemen of the Committee, the officers and privates of the Militia under arms and a large concourse of the inhabitants attended on this great and solemn occasion. The declaration and other proceedings were received with load acclamations.
The people are now convinced of what we ought long since to have known, that our enemies have left us no middle way between perfect freedom and abject slavery.
In the Field we hope, as well as in Council, the inhabitants of New Jersey will be found ever ready to support the Freedom and Independence of America.
Richmond, Virginia, August 5
(Published in "The Virginia Gazette" in Williamsburg, Virginia, August 10, 1776)
On Monday last, being court day, the DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE was publicly proclaimed in the town of Richmond, before a large concourse of respectable freeholders of Henrico county, and upwards of 200 militia, who assembled on that grand occasion. It was recieved with universal shouts of joy, and re-echoed by three vollies of small arms. The same evening the town was illuminated, and the members of the committee held a club, when many patriotic toasts were drank. Although there were near 1000 people present, the whole was conducted with the utmost decorum, and the satisfaction visible in every countenance sufficiently evinces their determination to support it with their lives and fortunes.