Civil War Leaders
Learn more about the Union and Confederate leaders who defined the Civil War era.
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, is known for leading the nation during the Civil War, enacting the Emancipation Proclamation...
Civil War Facts
Facts and frequently asked questions relating to the American Civil War. Many elements of Civil War scholarship are still hotly debated. The facts on...
Robert E. Lee
Robert Edward Lee (January 19, 1807 – October 12, 1870) was an American and Confederate soldier, best known as a commander of the Confederate States...
Ulysses S. Grant
American Battlefield Trust's biography of Union Civil War General-in-Chief Ulysses S. Grant.
Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address
Gettysburg Address Delivered at Gettysburg, Pa. Nov. 19th 1863. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new...
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
In the summer and the fall of 1858 two of the most influential statesmen of the late antebellum era, Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln faced off in...
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