Commonwealth Officials, Conservation Advocates To Gather for Major Historic Preservation Announcement
(Leesburg, Va.) – On Thursday, August 15, 2013, Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell will join state officials and members of the Civil War battlefield preservation community to make a significant announcement regarding the future of heritage land protection in the Old Dominion. The physical preservation of these historic landscapes has been a critical part of Virginia’s ongoing commemoration of the Civil War sesquicentennial, and this latest announcement will promote the continuation of public-private partnerships to build upon past successes.
The news conference will begin at 12:30 p.m. at the Ball’s Bluff Battlefield Regional Park. Gov. Bob McDonnell will join Director of Historic Resources Kathleen Kilpatrick, Secretary of Natural Resources Doug Domenech, Northern Virginia Regional Parks Authority leadership, representatives from the battlefield preservation community and other state officials.
Following the news conference, the public will have an opportunity to tour the historic site, and learn about recent preservation activities at the park. Participants are asked to dress appropriately for an outdoor walking tour. Refreshments will be available.
WHAT: News conference announcing Commonwealth of Virginia grant awards for major historic preservation
WHO: Gov. Bob McDonnell, Secretary of Natural Resources Doug Domenech, Virginia Director of Historic Resources Kathleen Kilpatrick, additional state officials and other preservation advocates
WHEN: August 15, 2013 at 12:30 p.m. ET
WHERE: Ball’s Bluff Battlefield Regional Park, Take Route 7 west toward Leesburg, then Route 15 Bypass north. Turn right on Battlefield Parkway and left on Ball's Bluff Road, Leesburg, Va. 20176