Anthony Wayne

Anthony Wayne was an American general and U.S. Representative born on January 1, 1745, near Paoli, Pennsylvania. Wayne became a colonel of the 4th Pennsylvania Regiment in 1776, and the next year was promoted to brigadier general in the American Revolution. Over the next few years he played key roles in the Battle of Brandywine, Battle of Germantown, Battle of Monmouth and Battle of Stony Point. Wayne entered civilian life to serve in Pennsylvania’s state legislature from 1784-'85. During the Northwest Indian War in 1791, Wayne helped lead the win in the Battle of Fallen Timbers which resulted in the removal of Native American claims to Ohio and the surrounding area. Wayne died on December 15, 1796, in Presque Isle, Pennsylvania. The nickname "Mad Anthony" came about when a disobedient spy used by Wayne was outraged that his commander refused to lift the punishment of 29 lashes for his disorderly conduct and desertion and muttered: "Anthony is mad. He must be mad or he would help me. Mad Anthony, that's what he is. Mad Anthony Wayne!"