Student Video Questions
Educator Resources for Your K-12 Classroom

Our free video content is by and far the most utilized K-12 classroom resource. These videos can be used as part of our curricula or stand-alone pieces of your everyday lesson plans. Be sure and take advantage of these FREE videos in your classroom by subscribing to our YouTube or Vimeo Channels.
Now, to make our video content even more classroom-friendly, we have created student worksheets for some of our most popular videos. Scroll down to download these student worksheets. They can be printed and handed out to your students or students can fill them out and save them online for submission to the virtual classroom.
Revolutionary War
- The Revolutionary War Animated Map
- The Southern Campaigns Animated Map
- Benedict Arnold In4
- Monuments of the Revolutionary War In4
- Thomas Paine In4
- Untold History Video Series Part 1
- Untold History Video Series Part 2
- Washington's Crossing In4
War of 1812
Civil War
- Antietam Animated Battle Map
- Gettysburg Animated Battle Map
- Black Soldiers in the Civil War (USCT) In4
- Civil War Language In4
- Civil War Medicine In4
- Civil War Myths In4
- Coming of the War In4
- Emancipation Proclamation In4
- Freedmen and the Civil War In4
- Photography in the Civil War In4
- Reconstruction In4
- Soldier Life In4
- The Gettysburg Address In4
- Women in the Civil War In4