Curriculum & Lesson Plans
Free Resources Created by Educators & Historians and Aligned to Social Studies Standards
Find free curriculum and lesson plans prepared by historians and educators! Teach about key eras and moments in early U.S. History with cutting edge digital resources, suggestions for hands-on activities, biographies of people changing history and dynamic primary sources.
American Battlefield Trust's curriculum and lesson plans align to Common Core Standards and the National Council For Social Studies Standards.
Learn more about the different curriculums and lesson plans and let your students explore the complex stories and questions that shaped America.

View or download the American Battlefield Trust's curriculum for free today! Find ready-to-use PowerPoints, primary source worksheets, activity suggestions and more.
The Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and the American Civil War Curriculum highlight the history of the eras, combining some of the most popular short videos, primary sources, biographies, articles and interactive activities into lessons that align to educational standards.
1783-1812 Module
War of 1812 Curriculum
The Civil War Curriculum

Perspectives Lesson Plans
The Perspectives Lesson Plans focus on specific campaigns, battles or other historic events. These lesson plans delve deeper into primary sources and people's stories, allowing students to gain a stronger interest in events that shaped lives and our nation.

Lesson Plans
Some of these lesson plans pair with popular American Battlefield Trust videos and other digital resources. Others take a closer look at a particular historic place or event! All are ready-to-use and can be used online. Many include downloadable resources, too.