Sarah Nell Blackwell

Official Rules: The Music and the American Revolution Competition

Please review the competition's Official Rules and Terms & Conditions below.

Official Rules   Terms & Conditions

Official Rules

Welcome to the Music and the American Revolution Competition, presented by the American Battlefield Trust and the Ray and Vera Conniff Foundation (the "Sponsors"). This competition invites participants to create a song that bridges generations, reflects the diverse spirit of the Revolutionary era, and connects to the nation's founding stories.

Agreement to Rules

  • By participating, the Contestant (“You”) agrees to be fully unconditionally bound by our Terms & Conditions and these Rules, and you represent and warrant that You meet the eligibility requirements. In addition, you agree to accept the decisions of the Sponsors as final and binding as it relates to the content of this competition.


  • This competition is open to individuals aged 15 to 30 as of December 31, 2024. Minors under the age of 18 may participate only with the consent of a parent or legal guardian.
    • Solo entrants must have been born between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 2009.
    • For ensembles, the submitting member must have been born between January 1, 1994 and December 31, 2009.
  • Employees of the Sponsors, the judges and their immediate family members are not eligible to enter.


  • Competition Period: The entry window for the competition opens at 12:01 AM PST on October 15, 2024 and closes at midnight PST on December 31, 2024.  Winners will be notified and announced publicly on February 22, 2025.
  • Entry Form: To ensure that your submission is complete, carefully follow the instructions provided on the entry form. Incomplete forms will not be considered. The entry form will be available here on October 22, 2024.
  • Divisions: The competition will be split into three categories:
    • High School Division: Open to student in high school during the contest period.
    • College Division: Open to full-time or part-time college students during the contest period.
    • Independent Musicians Division: Open to musicians aged 18-30 who are not currently enrolled in college. This distinction acknowledges the additional resources available to students, such as studio space, recording equipment, and student advisors.
  • Music: Your submission can be either a new composition or a modern interpretation of a historic song from the Revolutionary era. If you are composing a new piece, ensure that it aligns with the theme of the Revolutionary era. If you are reinterpreting a historic song, your version should offer a fresh perspective while staying true to the essence of the original piece. Refer to our Artist Resources for inspiration or historical context if needed.
  • AI Assistance: All submissions must be entirely original and created without the use of AI technology. If our detection tools indicate that your musical piece may have been generated or influenced by AI, you may be required to provide proof of authenticity. This could include behind-the-scenes footage, live performance recordings or other evidence that clearly demonstrates the composition is your own original work.
  • Length: Audio submissions should be between 60 and 90 seconds in length. Make sure your file is in one of the accepted formats (e.g., MP3, WAV or OGG) to ensure compatibility with our system.
  • Statement: Your statement should provide insight into your creative process and the intentions behind your performance. Explain why you chose the specific historic piece if applicable, and what emotions or ideas you aimed to express through your music.
  • Deadlines: Submissions time stamped after midnight PST November 22, 2024, will not be accepted. No exceptions.


  • Judges: The panel of judges will consist of professionals with diverse backgrounds in music. They will evaluate entries based on their originality, quality, emotional impact, ability to connect with listeners, and historical relevance.
    • Judging Criteria: Judges score will evaluate the following criteria:
    • Originality: 15% of overall score
    • Overall quality: 25%
    • Emotive Power: 20%
    • Connecting Power: 15%
    • Historical Connection: 25%
  • Judging Period: After the submission period ends on November 22, 2024, the judges will initially review all entries to identify those that meet high standards. These will be further assessed to select the finalists and ultimately determine the winners. This process ensures a thorough and fair evaluation of each submission.


  • Official notice: A representative from the panel of judges will reach out to winner(s) on January 22, 2025. Ensure that your contact details are correct on your entry form to avoid missing important notifications.
  • Announcing the Winner: The winners will be publicly announced during a special online event on February 22, 2025. Stay tuned for details on how to participate in or view the announcement.


  • Entries: Each participant is allowed only one submission to ensure fairness and manageability of the competition. Submit your best work, as additional entries will not be considered.
  • Copyright and Licensing: By submitting your work, you agree to grant the Sponsors a perpetual, royalty-free license to use, showcase, and distribute your submission, while retaining ownership and the right to use the work for your own purposes. Ensure that your work does not infringe on any existing copyrights.
  • Residency/Citizenship: The competition is open only to individuals who are legal residents or citizens of the United States. Submissions from outside the U.S. will not be accepted.

Terms & Conditions

By participating in the Music and American Revolution Competition (the “Competition”), each participant consents and agrees to these Competition Terms and Conditions (sometimes hereafter, “Terms and Conditions”) in consideration of the participant’s admission to the Competition, which Terms and Conditions may be amended from time to time by The American Battlefield Trust (the “Trust”) from time to time. Each participant further agrees to be bound by the decisions of Trust, including, without limitation, its committee in charge of the Competition, which shall be final and binding in all respects.

Conduct. Each participant must at all times behave appropriately when taking part in the Competition and observe the Competition rules and regulations as may be established by the Trust from time to time. The Trust reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to disqualify any participant found to be: (a) violating these Terms and Conditions and/or any rules and regulations established by the Trust; (b) tampering or attempting to tamper with the entry process or the operation of the Competition; and/or (c) acting in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner, or with intent to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other person.

Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, each participant releases and indemnifies and holds the Trust harmless from any and all any liabilities, damages, losses, costs, proceedings, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees and court costs), including personal injury or property damage (“Losses”), arising out of or in connection with such participant’s participation in the Competition, including, without limitation, any Losses arising out of or in connection with any claim that the work performed, materials provided, or any other deliverables furnished by such participant infringe upon or misappropriate any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property right of any third party.

Limitation of Liability; Assumption of the Risk. To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Trust assumes no responsibility or liability for (i) lost, late, unintelligible/illegible, damaged, misdirected or incomplete entries, notifications, responses, replies or any release, or for any computer, online, software, telephone, hardware or technical malfunctions that may occur, including but not limited to malfunctions that may affect the transmission or non-transmission of an audition materials, (ii) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by website users, by any of the equipment or programming associated with, or utilized in the Competition or by any technical or human error, which may occur in the administration of the Competition, (iii) any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, audition materials, (iv) any problems, failures or technical malfunction of any computer online systems, servers, providers, computer equipment, software, e-mail, or browsers, on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, at any website, or on account of any combination of the foregoing, and/or (v) any injury or damage to a participant or to any computer related to or resulting from participating or downloading materials in this Competition. In furtherance of the foregoing, each participant assumes the risk and any liability for injuries caused or claimed to be caused by participating in the Competition.

Privacy / Use of Personal Information. By participating in the Competition, each participant grants to the Trust the right to use his/her name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address (“Personal Information”) for the purpose of administering the Competition, including but not limited to contacting and announcing the winner of the Competition, and grants to the Trust the right to use his/her Personal Information for publicity and promotional purposes relating to the Competition, in any and all media now known or hereafter devised, without further compensation of any kind or nature.

Trust Intellectual Property. All intellectual property of the Trust, including but not limited to trade-marks, trade names, logos, designs, promotional materials, web pages, source code, drawings, illustrations, slogans and representations of the Trust are owned by Trust and/or its affiliates. All rights are reserved. Unauthorized copying or use of any copyrighted material or intellectual property of the Trust without the express written consent of Trust is strictly prohibited.

Licensing and Copyright. By participating in the Competition, each participant grants to the Trust a perpetual, irrevocable, unconditional, and royalty-free license to use such participant’s music submission and all associated materials, including, without limitation, scores, audio, and video, for any purpose. Subject to the foregoing, each participant retains ownership and the right to use its music submission and all associated materials, including, without limitation, scores, audio, and video, for such participant’s own promotion (i.e. sales, inclusion in portfolio, website, music directories, etc.). Each participant has the obligation to ensure that its music submission and all associated materials, including, without limitation, scores, audio, and video, do not infringe on any exiting copyrights or other intellectual property rights of any third parties.

Conflict. In the event of any discrepancy or inconsistency between these Terms and Conditions and statements contained in any Competition-related materials, including but not limited to the Competition application form, TV, print or online advertising, the terms and conditions of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail, govern and control.

Participant Representations. Each participant represents and warrants, individually or in case of an ensemble, jointly, that he/she or they read these Terms and Conditions.