Rachel Revere's Captured Letter

After Paul Revere had been captured and stranded in the countryside as he warned others about the approaching British soldiers headed for the villages of Lexington and Concord. His wife, Rachel Revere, wrote this note and sent it with money to Benjamin Church. Unfortunately, Church spied for the British and gave the note to British General Gage. The note did not reach Paul Revere, but offers a glimpse of his family's concern and hopes.
[April or May 1775]
My Dear by Doctor Church I send a hundred & twenty five pounds and beg you will take the best care of yourself and not attempt coming in to this town again and if I have an opportunity of coming or sending out anything or any of the Children I shall do it pray keep up your spirits and trust your self and us in the hands of a good God who will take care of us tis all my Dependance for vain is the help of man aduie my
Love from your affectionate R. Revere
"Rachel Revere Letter to Paul Revere, April/May 1775." Thomas Gage Papers, University of Michigan.