Civil War Monument Dedication Speeches
Those who dedicated the Civil War battlefield monuments scattered across the nation had a common goal — to impart perspective upon their listeners. This perspective differed from monument to monument — and region to region or occasion to occasion — but that is because memory is a curious thing. While some of these monuments were erected while the conflict still raged or by veterans as they traveled home at the war’s conclusion, the majority were placed over the course of three decades — beginning in the mid-1880s. For some of those involved, memories were still fresh; for others quite faded. And others, were spurred by the stories imparted to them by an earlier generation. Nevertheless, the battlefield monuments and their accompanying dedications were shaped by the desire to cement a story in time — leaving way for reflection by those in the future.
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Civil War Monument Speeches
Read More Speeches
- Fifth Dedication Speech for the Unveiling of the South Carolina Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield »
- Chamberlain’s Address for the 20th Maine Monument at Gettysburg »
- Third Dedication Speech for the Unveiling of the South Carolina Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield »
- Opening Speech for the Dedication of the South Carolina Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield »
- Dedication of the 78th Pennsylvania Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield »
- Opening Dedication Speech for the Virginia Memorial at Gettysburg »
- Fourth Dedication Speech for the Unveiling of the South Carolina Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield »
- Second Dedication Speech for the Unveiling of the South Carolina Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield »
- Dedication of the 114th Pennsylvania Monument on the Gettysburg Battlefield »
- Theodore Roosevelt’s Dedication Speech to the New Jersey State Monument at Antietam »
- Dedication of the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry Monument at Aldie »
- Second Dedication Speech for the Virginia Memorial at Gettysburg »
- Dedication of the Peace Light Memorial at Gettysburg »
- Cornerstone Laying of the Arlington National Cemetery Confederate Monument »
- Senator Albert J Beveridge’s Address on the Dedication of Indiana’s Monuments in Shiloh »
- Sixth Dedication Speech for the Unveiling of the South Carolina Monument on the Chickamauga Battlefield »
- Pre-dedication Reception for the Sedgwick Monument at Spotsylvania Court House »
- Dedication of the Maryland Monument at Antietam »
- Opening Dedication Speech for the Unveiling of the A.P. Hill Monument, Richmond, VA. »
- Second Dedication Speech for the Unveiling of the A.P. Hill Monument, Richmond, VA. »