Black and white photograph of the Camp of the 6th NY Artillery

Soldier Life

From Camp to the Battlefield

The experiences of soldiers in the wars that defined America demonstrate the sacrifices made for a new birth of freedom.

The Citizen Soldier

Sam Smith examines the uniquely American take on the ancient concept of turning ploughshares to swords and back again.

American Dogs

We all know that dogs are man's best friend. In wartime, dogs would help hunt and act as couriers but they also provided a much-needed morale boost to...

What Hath We Here?

Initially you might wonder how “The Bard of Avon” — William Shakespeare (ca. 1564-1616) — possibly has a place in Civil War history. But once you...

Battle of the Bands

From Revolution to Civil War, music has provided an outlet for American soldiers in camp and propelled them forward in battle. Lyrics were often...