From 1862 to 2012: The Regular Brigade Infantry Regiments

Christopher L. Kolakowski

Several units engaged at Stones River on both sides survive in today's U.S. Army and Army National Guard. Most prominent among these are the four infantry regiments of the Army of the Cumberland’s Regular Brigade. After the war, these units and their men continued to make a mark in American military history.
Two of the best-known Regular Brigade alumni include Capts. Frederick Phisterer and William Fetterman. Phisterer later served many years in the New York National Guard, writing the authoritative New York in the War of the Rebellion. Fetterman met his death on December 21, 1866, in Wyoming, giving his name to an Indian Wars massacre that ranks second only to the Little Bighorn.
The units themselves all continue to exist into the present. The 15th Infantry served many years in China and, since 1950, has been an integral part of the 3rd "Rock of the Marne" Infantry Division. The 19th Infantry served in the Far East as part of the 24th Infantry Division, and today is the training regiment at Fort Benning, Ga. The 16th and 18th Infantries (and their descendants in the 2nd Infantry) have been a part of the 1st Infantry Division since 1917, adding many distinguished battle honors to their records.
The Regular Brigade veterans later raised a monument to their actions in the battle, and today it can be seen in the Stones River National Cemetery.
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