Lindsey Morrison
Battlefield Archaeology
Uncovering Our Past
Battlefield archaeology is essential to improving our understanding the conflicts that defined America — uncovering the stories where records are scarce to provide a more complete understanding of the battles that forged our nation.
Explore Battlefield Archaeology
Cataloguing & Analysis: Findings From the AVAR Saratoga Project
In the popular imagination, archaeological work is centered in the field, physically digging in the dirt. Such a picture, however, is both inaccurate...
Archaeology 101
Where once, huge grids were systematically excavated in the hopes of finding a single artifact, today’s technology allows professionals to peak...
Archaeology & The Military: A Long Tradition
Those who have worn a uniform have been excavating historic sites for centuries.
Digging Down Deep: The Emotional Significance of Archaeology With Veterans
Dr. Stephen Humphreys, AVAR Founder, reflects on how archaeology bonds veterans — and why veterans need transitional programs like American Veterans...
Veterans’ Voices: Hear From Veterans Participating in the Saratoga Archaeological Project
Read firsthand accounts from participants in the American Veterans Archaeological Recovery (AVAR) project at Saratoga and learn about the impact...
Veterans’ Voices: Hear From Leaders Behind the Saratoga Archaeological Project
Read the firsthand accounts from those in leadership roles in the American Veterans Archaeological Recovery (AVAR) project at Saratoga and learn about...