Connecting the Three Wars
The Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War are each important enough to study in isolation from each other, but there is also value in looking at the broad trends across all three. Examining these wars in continuity with each other gives us a sense of both their similarities, as well as just how drastically new technologies and tactics affected the nature of the actual fighting.
Which War?
Can you keep the American battles straight? See if you can name "which war" from our clues.
Here Comes the Cavalry
This page provides an overview of the Cavalry Arm in The Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and the Civil War.
Who Are the Special Operations Forces?
Just who is involved in reconnaissance, unconventional warfare and counterterrorism efforts within the U.S. military? Learn more in this brief history...
"So doth history repeat itself"
As Civil War soldiers traversed Revolutionary landscapes, they encountered living vestiges of the revolutionary era. Read about the connections...
“A Beacon Light of Liberty”
Civil War soldiers on both sides fought to preserve the legacy of the American Revolution, but interpreted the same history in different ways.
Explore Our Timelines
American Revolution Timeline
This timeline provides a brief overview of events that occurred before and during the American Revolution.
War of 1812 Timeline
This timeline provides a brief overview of events that occurred before and during the War of 1812.
Civil War Timeline
Explore our timeline of the American Civil War. Learn about the important events and battles that happened throughout this period of American history